1. Tell us whatever you want about yourselves. Name, age, location, occupation…
Our names are Thomas and Myriam, and we live in France, in Paris. Both 45, parents of 2 kids (Leon is 20 Lea is 14). We work as management consultants.
2. What do you like to do? What hobbies do you have?
We both enjoy traveling. We have visited many countries from Africa to Asia. We used to work in Asia many years ago.
3. Something crazy you’d like to do?
LOL isnt life crazy enough ?

1. For how long have you been naturists?
We started 20 years ago when we worked in Germany. Germany is very liberal so it wasn’t difficult to find a lake with clothing-optional beaches. We moved to France a few years later so we discovered the nudist beaches there. We have a pool at home, that makes it easy to live naked. Believe it or not, we bought our last swimsuits 20 years ago. We never used them anymore.
2. Were you raised as naturists?
No, we started on our own. Of course, we raised our kids in a nudist way.
3. Where was your first experience? In which situation? Did you like it?
We tried at a lake in Germany. It was a natural thing for us. We loved it, it was so freeing.
4. How do you live and feel naturism?
As a natural thing.
5. Where do you practice it?
At home, in the pool, at the beach, and in campsites.
6. Have you been to a naturist resort / campsite / club?
We visited many resorts in France. Soon we’ll make a report about our experiences in French resorts. We hope it’ll help you choose one.
7. How do you feel about the coexistence of “textiles” and naturists (in nudist places and clothing optional places)?
Well, we don’t care about people who are using swimsuits.
8. Why are you naturists?
In a world where nudity is more and more forbidden or connected to sexuality, it’s very important to show that nudity is something just normal.
9. Do you talk about it with the people around you? What kind of reactions have you recieved?
We know many nudist families. We tried to speak about nudism with others. Mostly they are surprised. And they have to accept it when they visit us at the pool: we are naked however they are.
10. Do you change your way of living and behaving according to the company you have (for example, when spending a weekend with non-naturist friends)?
No, we stay nude. Accept it or leave us 😊
11. Could you stop being a naturist?
What a question … 🙂
12. What would you say to non-naturist people?
Just try it, the only risk is: you may like it.
13. And to naturists?
See you on the beach!