1. Tell us whatever you want about yourself. Name, age, location, occupation…
Hello! My name is Alba and I’m in love with the gifts that the Earth offers us. I’m from Barcelona, but I always wanted to find a place to live closer to nature, further away from excessive pollution, closer to the essentials, and further away from the crowds. So in 2014, I went to live in Sant Sadurní d’Anoia, surrounded by vineyards. It was not enough and since 2018 I live in a small village in the Pyrenees, near La Seu d’Urgell. I am dedicated to accompanying children in their development process, which I am passionate about. I’ve worked in public schools, but what moves me is working in free/respectful education schools. I am currently working with a forest school in La Cerdanya.
2. What do you like to do? What hobbies do you have?
I really like the contact with nature and people. I like to be outside whenever I can and go on excursions (increasingly demanding!). I also enjoy singing a lot (I take music and singing language classes and have been to many choirs). I quickly get hooked on good books, series, and movies. I have a great time playing modern board games. I find it very interesting to meet new people and keep in touch with my friends. I participate in different associations because I want to put my grain of sand to change the world or just to cultivate my hobbies. In addition to the Catalan Naturism Club, I am a member of the feminist assembly of Alt Urgell, the International Civil Service, the Free Education Network, and the board game associations ALLAU and STRONGHOLD…
3. Something crazy you’d like to do?
Going to live in an “eco-village” far from capitalist civilization. Where no one will tell you if you are naked, have not shaved, or do not want to live just to have a job that gives you money… I would also like to travel for months.

1. For how long have you been a naturist? Have you grown up in naturism?
Both my father and mother never had a problem undressing in front of me and this meant that I did not have any either. With them, however, I never went to any naturist space. They did not like going to the beach in general, and although they had no problem showing off naked, they did not actively practice nudism. It wasn’t until I was about 22 that I started going to nudist beaches on my own. At first I went there alone because none of my friends were eager to accompany me. I soon met some nudist people. One of these people was a member of CCN youth group and encouraged me to go to the activities that the club organized.
2. Where was your first experience? In which situation? Did you like it?
It was not uncommon for me to first undress in a public place (a beach in my case). In fact, I don’t remember exactly what that time was. Sometimes with my “textile” friends I would take off my swimsuit inside the water or go topless. So it wasn’t much different the first day I took off my panties and sunbathed without clothes. For me, it was a completely natural thing that did not cause me any problems. Obviously, I can go naked if it’s hot and I’m in a clean place like my towel on the sand.
3. How do you feel about naturism? Why are you a naturist?
For me, naturism is about being in harmony with nature. It’s not just nudity. In fact, for me nudism is a small part of naturism. So, I consider myself an environmentalist, a feminist, and a socialist, because I want to protect two essential things: the Earth, to be able to continue to inhabit it, and people, to be able to live in peace. So I live naturism every time I do something along these lines, it is an integral part of my life. I experience it when I’m in the woods or on the beach, but also in the city during a demonstration defending people’s rights or when I’m shopping and I don’t use disposable plastic bags.
4. Where do you practice it? Have you been to a naturist center / campsite / club?
I practice nudism on beaches such as Aiguadolç (Vilanova i la Geltrú), Borró (Llançà – Colera) or La Musclera (Arenys de Mar), to name a few that I have been to. Also when I go to the nudist spa sessions organized by the CCN in Barcelona (in winter), or to the excursions and stays that are organized from the “Vents del Cadí” mountain refuge (near Bagà, in Berguedà). I once went to the naturist village called “El Fonoll” and to the nudist session at the Picornell swimming pools. I don’t do much nudity at home because I’m either cold or I’m uncomfortable if I have to do housework. I haven’t been to naturist campsites yet, it’s something I have pending and would love to do.
5. Do you see the positive coexistence of “textiles” and naturists (in naturist and mixed places)?
I think everyone should be able to do whatever they want, whether they go with or without clothes. Ideally, there should be no nudist spaces, but everyone should be able to go as they please without having to endure lewd looks or offensive comments. The situation is not yet like that, and people like me, who feel comfortable naked in certain public spaces when the weather allows it, can’t always enjoy it and we need dedicated spaces. So the only thing I ask is that these spaces be respected. Therefore, I have no problem that there are also “textiles” as long as they are deeply respectful of that space and its nudist tradition.

6. Do you talk about it with the people around you? What kind of reactions have you recieved?
I say that I am a naturist and that I practice nudism without any problems, as a normal thing. Now, it is also true that it is not the first thing I say, because it does not seem to me something special, but rather something natural, obvious. In any case, I deeply respect the different views on the subject and that there are people who are not comfortable talking about it or have a different view than mine.
7. Do you change your lifestyle depending on the company (for example, during
a weekend with non-naturist friends)?
Yes. It makes me uncomfortable to be without clothes if, in a group, there is no one else who does it too. Also, for example, if I go to a textile beach or a swimming pool, I leave my swimsuit on in respect of the “non-nudist” place where I am.
8. What would you say to non-naturists?
I respect that, because everyone sees things their own way. But I don’t understand it because it seems obvious to me. I find it strange to be ashamed to show our own body when it is what we all have, with which we are born. Young children being naked in social areas does not bother many people; on the other hand, when they get older, the taboo appears. In any case, I fully understand that being nude can be embarrassing for some if they’ve always been taught that being dressed is the right thing to do, to watch out not to be seen naked, and if nudity is always related to sexuality in their close environments. But it shouldn’t be like that.
9. What about naturists?
Shall we work to change the taboo society and oversexualized nudity?

1. Have you known the CCN for long? How did you first know about it?
About 4 years ago a friend who was a member of the CCN told me if I wanted to be in a WhatsApp group with young nudist people and I joined. From there I started going to nudist meetings and creating bonds with several people in the group.
2. How long have you been a paying associate of the CCN? Why did you become one?
About two years ago I decided to become an associate of the CCN to collaborate a little more in the promotion of naturism. I think that associating is a good way to deal with any issue, in order to have more strength when it comes to defending it. If I want a society free of taboos where the natural is normal, I shall have to do something to achieve it.
3. Have you participated in any outings (both CCN and Young Naturists)? Which ones?
Meetings in bars (with clothes) with young people, excursions and stays organized by the “Vents del Cadí” mountain refuge, nudist sessions in the spa and the Picornell swimming pools, meetings on nudist beaches…
4. Have you made new friends thanks to the group of Young Naturists?
Yes! And we don’t only meet to practice nudism or do Club-related stuff, but also to do other activities or have a drink, and I’ve made some good friends!