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Participation in the ecological demonstration “Health, earth, future” (CCN)
Saturday 8 June 2024 @ 19:00 - 21:00 CEST

From Joves Naturistes, following the initiative of the board of the Club Català de Naturisme, we intend to join the ecological demonstration “Health, earth, future” called for June 8 in Barcelona, at 7 p.m.
The current ecosocial crisis shows that life under the capitalist system is unsustainable. Young people are a generation that grows up with the feeling that our future is lost, that the consequences of the eco-social crisis are irreversible, and that the capitalist system is indestructible. But history teaches us that through mobilization and organization we can change the course of our destiny. This is why youth and environmental organizations have called an environmental demonstration on June 8 in Barcelona under the slogan “Salut, terra, futur. Defensem el territori” (‘Health, Earth, Future. Let’s defend the land’).
Visit the website of the demonstration, where you will find more information: https://salutterrafutur.org/
The Club Català de Naturisme wants to join and support the demonstration (block 3, social movements) with the following approach:
“From the Associació Club Català de Naturisme we recognize the importance of the ecological struggle and we understand environmentalism as one of the great pillars that make up this diverse movement that we call “naturism”; a way of living in harmony with nature to promote respect for oneself, for other beings and the environment.
Although within our association we emphasize nudism as a movement still framed within deep stigmatization and misunderstanding at a social level, since the current legislature we are making efforts to achieve greater involvement in environmentalism as well as in other fraternal struggles, understanding as a priority the protection of the natural environment against the agents and predatory dynamics of the current economic system.
This is why we want to offer our support to the demonstration called for June 8, showing that we agree with their demands. We would also like to bring awareness to the importance of removing the stigma surrounding nudity and accepting the naked human body as something natural, not inherently sexual, obscene, or objectionable, emphasizing the beauty inherent in all bodies beyond the aesthetic canons dictated by capitalism. Without forgetting that experiencing nature while naked is an excellent way to reduce the distance that separates us from the environment, to know and enjoy it fully and respectfully, and to raise awareness of the need to protect it.”
Later we will specify the place and time of our call (at CCN level) to participate together in the demonstration.