Sunday, June 4 is World Naturist Day, and this year we will meet at the Aiguadolç beach (Vilanova i la Geltrú) to celebrate the occasion with the people of the Naturist Association of Platja de l’Aiguadolç (ANPA). The meeting time will be around 11 am at...
ONE DAY ACTIVITY: November 19 from 9:30 pm to 11 pm at the Minos spa of the Hotel Vila Olímpica in Barcelona. We are organizing a youth meeting for the next nudist spa session convened by the CCN on Friday 19 November (9.30 pm -11 pm). The meeting time is at 9:15 pm...
ONE DAY ACTIVITY: November 7 from 4pm to 5.30pm at the Minos Spa at the Hotel Vila Olímpica in Barcelona. We organize a meeting of young people for the next nudist spa session convened by the CCN on Sunday, November 7 (16h-17: 30h). We will meet at 15:45 in the...
Note: This article has been compiled from several sources that are linked throughout the text. Click on the numbers in square brackets to consult them! From the Club Català de Naturisme (CCN) and from the group of Young Naturists, meetings are organized from time to...
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